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Python for DevOps

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Python Training for DevOps


Python Automation Projects with Real-Time Scenarios & Weekly Assignments

Start Date: 11-06-2022

Timings: 07:00 AM IST to 09:30 AM IST (Saturday and Sunday only)

What You should already know to learn Python?

1. AWS & Linux Basics

2. DevOps Basics

Python Fundamentals

1. Python Introduction

2. Scripting vs. Programming

3. Interpreters vs. compilers

4. Scripting Basics


1. String

2. Integer

3. Floating

4. List

5. Tuple

6. Dictionary

7. Bool

8. Bytes


1. Local Variables

2. Global Variables

3. Input Variables

4. Output Variables


1. Arithmetic operators

2. Assignment operators

3. Comparison operators

4. Logical operators

5. Identity operators

6. Membership operators

7. Bitwise operators

Control Statements

1. If

2. If-else

3. If-elif-else

4. Nested-if

5. for

6. while

7. Nested loops

8. Break

9. Continue


1. Built-in Functions

2. User Defined Functions

3. Function Arguments

4. Function Return Values


Python Built-in Modules

1. Boto3

2. Json

3. Base64

4. Logging

5. Pyyaml

6. Pykafka

7. Pysftp

8. OS

9. Sys

   10. Subprocess

   11. Re

   12. Platform

   13. Paramiko

   14. Requests

   15. Pymysql

   16. Pandas


1. Package Management 

2. Package Registry

3. Integrate Package installation with AWS Lambda

Exception Handling

1. Exception Handling

2. Raise Exception

Regular expressions

1. Re module

File & Directory handling

1. File Handling

2. Read/Write data to the Files.

Python Logging

1. Handling Python Logging

Real-Life Projects

1. Kafka event processing using Python AWS Lambda

2. Image processing using Python AWS Lambda

3. Handling YAML configuration with pysftp modules to automate deployments.

4. Data Processing using Python

Python CI/CD Deployment

1. Build and Deploy Python applications using pipeline method.