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Bengaluru, Karnataka

Software Testing

  • 31
  • 10

Testing Basics

Testing Models


Smoke and Sanity Testing

System Testing

Regression Testing

Acceptance Testing

End to End Testing

Test Case Development

Testing Techniques

Test Management & Control

Defects and It’s Management

Test Metrics

Test Deliverables

Test Documentation and Test Report generation

Automation testing basics

Automation Testing ( Selenium and Java) :

Core Java Concepts

 Environment Setup
 WebDriver complete coverage
  Run selenium webdriver in different Browsers
  Selenium locators and examples using different locators
  Working with select examples
  Working with checkbox using reusable methods
  Working with frames
  How to handle java script alerts, confirmation and prompts
  How to handle windows popups
  Handling authentication window
  Perform operations on new window  
  Upload and download examples
  Synchronization concepts
  Waits examples
  Mouse hover action scenarios
  How to set browser width and height
  Handling SSL certificates in different browsers
  Scrolling web page concept
  Handling cookies
  Screenshot example
  Read data from Properties file
  Right click context menu example
  Handling date picker calendars
  verify broken or invalid images on a Web Page
  Verify tool tip text
  Database examples
  Event listener examples
  Selenium grid concepts

 TestNG examples
 Data driven, Keyword driven and  Hybrid Frameworks overview